Forest & Beach Commission


Forest & Beach Commission

Forest & Beach Commission meetings are open to the public. Regular meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, located on Monte Verde Street between Ocean and Seventh Avenues.

Forest & Beach Commissioners


  • Kelly Brezoczky, Chair – Term expires 5/30/2026
  • Tamara Michie, Vice Chair – Term expires 5/30/2026
  • Sarah Berling – Term expires 5/30/2024
  • (Vacant) – Term expires 5/30/2028
  • Gerald Montmorency - Term expires 05/30/2025
Duties, Responsibilities, and Authority
  1. To develop, with the Director of Forest, Parks and Beach, a management plan for the urban forest, parks and beach, and to correlate such plan with the City’s General Plan.
  2. To consider and act on applications for tree trimming and tree removal and on matters involving construction in which root cutting or root crown coverage is involved.
  3. To advise the City Council or other government instrumentalities of the City with respect to specified items of management and technical forestry and beach matters, including the introduction of new species into the urban forest, or the elimination of existing species.
  4. To provide publicity in regard to the problems of the urban forest, including a public information program concerning care of forest resources, and including cooperation with school programs on conservation and the like.
  5. To encourage gifts, bequests, and devises to be made to the City in furtherance of any present or future object or project associated with the commission.
  6. To review plans and submit comments to the Planning Commission as requested by the Department of Community Planning and Building.
  7. To advise the City Council or other government instrumentalities of the City on the preservation, enhancement, protection and care of the Carmel-by-the-Sea beach and waterfront area.
  8. Upon referral from the City Council, to review and recommend to the City Council possible City positions on proposals in the City, the City’s sphere of influence, or any wider area, which impact the natural environment of the area.

Rules of Procedure



Forest & Beach Commission
Agenda Archive