Community Activities Commission


Community Activities Commission

Community Activities Commission meetings are open to the public. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, located on Monte Verde Street between Ocean and Seventh Avenues.

Community Activities Commissioners

  • Donna Jett – Term expires 5/30/2025
  • Ellen Martin – Term expires 5/30/2025
  • Vacant – Term expires 5/30/2028
  • Vacant – Term expires 5/30/2027
  • Vacant – Term expires 5/30/2027

Duties, Responsibilities, and Authority

The Community Activities Commission’s mission is to encourage and support the interaction of neighbors, friends, families and visitors through the shared experience of special events, programs, and gatherings which bring the community together safely on the City’s streets and in its parks and weave the fabric of our community by creating opportunities to interact, celebrate, enrich people’s lives, and promote inclusiveness.

The Community Activities Commission serves as an advisory body to the City Council on matters relating to the recreational, cultural, and social needs of the community. The Community Activities Commision shall have the following duties, responsibilities and authority:

A. To stimulate and encourage community, cultural and recreational activities within the City and to actively participate in the executions of these activities;

B. To develop rules and regulations for conducting its business and meetings in accordance with the laws of the State and the City;

C. To advise and assist the Community Activities Director and, when requested, other City commissions and City public bodies, departments and residents of the City, on community, cultural and recreation programs;

D. To assist in the planning of community activities and recreational programming for the inhabitants of the City and its adopted sphere of influence to promote and stimulate public interest therein;

E. To remain cognizant at all times of the uses of parks and other public spaces, Carmel Beach, Vista Lobos, and the Scout House and to endeavor to have such spaces and facilities put to their best possible use;

F. To be cognizant at all times of the condition of the structures, grounds, and equipment of the facilities under its jurisdiction and bring to the attention of the City Council and the City Administrator proposals and recommendations for the maintenance, repair, uses and improvements of such facilities;

G. To serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council, the City Administrator and Community Activities Director in regard to community activity and recreation matters and all such matters pertaining to public