Boards & Commissions


Boards and Commissions

There are six City Boards and Commissions:

  • Building Code Board of Appeals
  • Community Activities Commission
  • Forest and Beach Commission
  • Historic Resources Board
  • Harrison Memorial Library Board of Trustees
  • Planning Commission

City Boards and Commissions advise and assist the City Council in dealing with specific projects, policies, and issues.

Terms of office are 4 years, with the exception of the Harrison Memorial Library Board of Trustees who serve 3 year terms. Terms run through April 30. Vacancies occur on a rotating basis each year and the City recruits to fill these vacancies each March and April. 

To serve on a Board or Commission, you must reside either within the City limits or within its sphere of influence.

Contact the City Clerk’s Office for more information (831) 620-2016 or


The City is accepting applications for a current vacancies through Jan. 10, 2025
Apply now for one (1) open seat on the Forest and Beach Commission and one (1) open seat on the Planning Commission


The Forest and Beach Commission comprises five members, responsible for advising and assisting the City Council on forestry and beach-related issues, policies, and projects. Their duties also involve developing a management plan for the urban forest, parks, and beach in alignment with the City’s General Plan.