General Plan
Goals and Policies for Zoning Codes
The General Plan is a comprehensive statement of the planning goals and policies for the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea and its surrounding Sphere of Influence. The Carmel General Plan includes the following elements:
- Land Use & Community Character Element
- Circulation Element
- Housing Element
- Coastal Access & Recreation Element
- Coastal Resource Management Element
- Public Facilities & Services Element
- Open Space, Conservation & Scenic Highways Element
- Environmental Safety Element
- Noise Element
The Carmel General Plan has been combined with the Local Coastal Program (LCP) to ensure coordination of these two policy documents. The LCP sets forth goals, objectives, and policies that govern the use of land and water in Carmel-by-the-Sea consistent with the California Coastal Act of 1976. The LCP includes the following General Plan elements: Land Use & Community Character Element, Circulation Element, Coastal Access & Recreation Element, and Coastal Resource Management Element.
Plan (complete)
City Council Resolution 2003-073
General Plan Introduction Purpose & Organization
General Plan Introduction & Purpose
Land Use & Community Character Element
The Land Use & Community Character Element discusses existing
land uses, analyzes existing and potential conflicts between land
uses and offers recommendations in the form of policy statements
concerning specific issues unique to Carmel. The preservation of
the residential character in Carmel is central to all land use
issues that are addressed in this Element. Adopted
Land Use and Community Character Element
Circulation Element
The Circulation Element provides goals, objectives and policies
that will help to control traffic volume and reduce traffic
congestion in Carmel. Adopted 2009
Circulation Element
Housing Element
The Housing Element is designed to identify adequate sites for a
range of housing types, assist in the development of adequate and
affordable housing, address constraints to meeting the City’s
housing needs, conserve and improve the condition of existing
housing, and promote housing opportunities for all
persons. Adopted 2024.
6th cycle Housing Element (2023-2031)
Housing Element Implementation
Coastal Access & Recreation Element
The Coastal Access & Recreation Element outlines the City’s
goals, policies and objectives related to providing and
protecting coastal access to and along Carmel Beach and the types
of uses and recreation that are appropriate. Adopted
Coastal Access and Recreation Element
Coastal Resource Management Element
The Coastal Resource Management Element includes policies for
protection of the City’s coastal environmental resources
including the character of its forest, beach and bluffs, water
quality and Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas
(ESHAs). Adopted 2003
Coastal Resource Management Element
Public Facilities & Services Element
The Public Facilities & Services Element addresses those
components of community life important to the education, culture,
recreation and social well-being of the residents of
Carmel-by-the-Sea and its Sphere of Influence. The focus of the
Element is on the physical facilities present within the City as
well as services provided by these facilities to the
residents. Adopted 2009
Public Facilities and Services Element
Open Space & Conservation Element
The Open Space & Conservation Element describes comprehensive
goals and policies for the long-range management and preservation
of the open-space land. Issues considered in this Element include
agriculture, natural resources, recreation, and enjoyment of
publicly owned natural areas in addition to the management,
conservation, development and utilization of natural
resources. Adopted 2009
Open Space/Conservation
Environmental Safety Element
The Environmental Safety Element focuses on reducing human
injury, loss of life, property damage, and the economic and
social dislocation caused by natural and human-made hazards. The
policies included in this Element are intended to provide a
framework to address natural and human induced hazards through
prevention and emergency response. Adopted 2009
Environmental Safety Element
Noise Element
The Noise Element forms the basis for the City’s efforts in
community noise control. Adopted 2009
Noise Element
General Plan Appendices
Appendix A: Community Conducted Questionnaire and Results
Appendix B: Environmental Safety Technical Appendix
Appendix C: EIR
Appendix D: Expanded Initial Study/EIR Addendum
Appendix E: California Coastal Act Policies
Appendix F: Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area Study
Appendix G: Forest Management Plan
Appendix H: Mission Trail Nature Preserve Master Plan
Appendix I: Historic Context Statement
Appendix J: Del Mar Master Plan