Running for Office
Nomination Papers
Nomination papers for the above seats are available July 18, 2022 through August 12, 2022 by 5 pm. Call or e-mail the City Clerk at 831-620-2016 or to make an appointment.
Political Reform Act
All candidates for Municipal offices, and all committees supporting or opposing State or local candidates or ballot measures, are subject to the provisions of the State Political Reform Act.
The Political Reform Act requires all candidates, for municipal office, to file a Form 700, Statement of Economic Interest, with the City Clerk at the time nomination papers are filed. Generally, the candidate is instructed to disclose investments, interest in real property, sources and amounts of income and gifts. Once filed, the document becomes a part of the public record, which is open to inspection.
All statements filed are a matter of public record. They may be inspected at the City Clerk’s Office by the public and copies can be purchased at ten cents ($0.10) per page.
The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has prepared an information manual which can be found on the FPPC’s website -
Contribution Limits per AB 571 – Effective January 1, 2021
Effective January 1, 2021, Assembly Bill 571 sets a limitation on contributions to a candidate for elective office in a city or county in which the local government has not established a limitation. Carmel-by-the-Sea has not independently imposed limitations on contributions to candidates for elective offices in the jurisdiction. All candidates and/or committees controlled by that candidate must follow the contribution limits established by the state. Further review of AB 571 is published here.
Access the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea Public Portal for Campaign Financial Disclosure for campaign finance forms filed by candidates and committees here.
Voter Registration
You may register to vote online at the Secretary of State’s
voter registration website. Paper voter registration
forms can be requested by calling Monterey County Elections at
(831) 796-1499.
Check your voter registration status online at the Secretary
of State’s voter registration status website, or by calling
Monterey County
Elections at (831) 796-1499.