Novels Set in Carmel


Cabot, Meg. Haunted (2003) and Twilight (2005)
Chamberlain, Barbara. A Slice of Carmel (2011), Slash and Turn (2012)
Clark, Mary Higgins. Weep No More My Lady (1987)
Comstock, Tim. Reunion in Carmel (2010)
Day, Dianne. Bohemian Murders (1997) and other mystery novels
Delinsky, Barbara. Coast Road (1998)
Elkins, Charlotte. A Wicked Slice (1989)
Flinn, Elaine. Tagged for Murder (2004) and other mystery novels
Fullerton, Claire.  A Portal in Time (2013)
Gilligan, Roy. Stab in the Bach (1996) and other mystery novels
Gualtieri, Kathryn. Murder in the Pines (2011), and sequels
Jacobs, Nancy Baker. Star Struck (2002)
Keouac, Jack. Big Sur (1992)
Koontz, Dean.  The Watchers (1987)
Littlepage, Layne. Murder-by–the-Sea (1987)
London, Jack. Valley of the Moon (1913)

(updated October 2018)

Mahoney, Bill. Christmas in Carmel (2001)
Mohler, Charles. Love is for Pros (2000)
Moore, Brian. Cold Heaven (1983)
Moore, Christopher. The Stupidest Angel (2004)
Morris, Julie Finigan. Exit Strategy (2017)
Murphy, Shirley Rousseau. Cat in the Dark (1999) and other cat mysteries
O’Shaughnessy, Perri. Show No Fear (2008) and other mystery novels
Overton, Theodora. Loose Diamonds (2001)
Paul, Diana. Things Unsaid (2015)
Pearson, Ridley. Probable Cause (1990)
Rendell, Ruth. Death Notes (1981)
Rocky Point Murders (anthology) (2000)
Steel, Danielle. Summer’s End (1986)
Steinhower, Olen. All the Old Knives (2015)
Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island (1884)
Stone, Katherine. The Other Twin (2003)
Tomblin, Marilou. The Carmelo Diaries (2003)
Whitney, Phyllis. The Flaming Tree (1985)