Local Appointment List – Maddy Act
In compliance with Government Code Section 54972 (Maddy Act), the list of Carmel-by-the-Sea Board and Commission members is posted on an annual basis by December 31.


The City of Carmel-by-the-Sea encourages residents to apply for positions in an effort to build an applicant pool representative of the entire community. City Boards and Commissions advise and assist the City Council in dealing with specific projects, policies, and issues. Terms of office are 4 years, with the exception of the Harrison Memorial Library Board of Trustees who serve 3-year terms. Terms run through April 30. Vacancies occur on a rotating basis each year and the City recruits to fill these vacancies each March and April. To serve on a Board or Commission, you must reside either within the City limits or within its sphere of influence. Up to members of the Historic Resources Board may reside within Monterey County. The names on this list are subject to change based on resignations or terminations that occur during the year. Please refer to the corresponding commission page for current membership or contact the City Clerk’s Office at (831) 620-2016 or via e-mail at cityclerk@ci.carmel.ca.us.