Complainant Privacy Policy
How the City Protects Your Information


Records of complaints are considered “acquired in confidence” consistent with Section 1040 of the Evidence Code and Section 6254 of the Government Code.  Code violation case files fall within the definition of a public record and are subject to public disclosure. However, the identities of complainants will be held as confidential unless ordered to be released by a judge of a court of record.


The following steps are typically followed when a potential violation is identified:

  • Complaint is received or staff observes a potential violation;
  • A site inspection is scheduled to verify if a violation exists;
  • Staff attempts to make personal contact with property owner/tenant/business owner to discuss the violation;
  • A letter is sent detailing the violation with a timeline for correction;
  • If a property owner/tenant/business owner is not responsive, a citation may be issued.  Businesses may also be scheduled for a hearing with the Planning Commission to revoke a use permit and/or business license;
  • If a citation does not resolve the violation, the matter is forwarded to the City Attorney’s office for further action.