Conversaciones sobre anti-negrura, colorismo, y antirracismo

Library Event

The Los Angeles Public Library is hosting six online conversations in Spanish on Anti-Blackness, Colorism, and Anti-Racism. These programs will be Live on LAPL’s Youtube and Facebook pages. No registration required.

We hope that with this series our patrons and communities will be given resources and information on how to address anti-Blackness and colorism to begin having anti-racist conversations/discussions in Spanish with their families/friends/children/etc. . 

Below are the program details and description in Spanish, followed by the English translations. As a reminder all these programs will be in Spanish:

Conversaciones sobre anti-negrura, colorismo, y antirracismo

12 agosto, 11:00 a.m. - Criando seres humanos antiracistas

  • Este taller para padres ofrecerá información, orientación, herramientas y recursos para comenzar discusiones en familia de una forma valerosa contra el racismo. Discutiremos el colorismo y exploraremos cómo nosotros, como padres y cuidadores, podemos aprender a presentarnos ante la justicia racial interrumpiendo los ciclos de racismo dentro de nuestra cultura.
  • Presentadora: Leslie Priscilla Arreola-Hillenbrand

19 agosto, 11:00 a.m. - Antirracismo, anti-negrura y colorismo: Recursos para adultos y jóvenes en cómo combatir el racismo desde las comunidades Latinx

  • El antirracismo y el racismo no siempre son dos fenómenos separados y mutuamente excluyentes. Conversaremos de los distintos recursos, blogs, agencias y grupos comunitarios que están combatiendo el racismo en Estados Unidos y en nuestras comunidades Latinx. 
  • Presentadora: Dra. Maritza Quiñones Rivera

26 agosto, 11:00 a.m. - ¿Somos racistas?:Experiencias, reflexiones y acción para combatir el racismo y la discriminación

  • ¿Somos racistas? Una pregunta tan evidente nos incomoda y estamos preparados a responder con un NO rotundo. Siempre son los otros los racistas. En esta plática, estaremos conversando sobre cómo comenzar a desmantelar los múltiples aspectos del complejo sistema del racismo.
  • Presentadora: Dra. Maritza Quiñones Rivera  

————————— ENGLISH (Programs WILL ONLY be in Spanish)—————————–

Conversations on Anti-Blackness, Colorism, and Anti-Racism

August 12, 11:00 a.m. - Raising anti-racist human beings

  • This parent workshop will provide information, guidance, tools, and resources to start courageous family discussions against racism. We will discuss colorism and explore how we, as parents and caregivers, can learn to stand up to racial justice by interrupting the cycles of racism within our culture.
  • Presenter: Leslie Priscilla Arreola-Hillenbrand

August 19, 11:00 a.m. - Anti-racism, Anti-blackness and Colorism: Resources for adults and youth on how to combat racism in Latinx communities

  • Anti-racism and racism are not always two separate and mutually exclusive phenomena. We will talk about the different resources, blogs, agencies and community groups that are fighting racism in the United States and in our Latinx communities.
  • Presenter: Dr. Maritza Quiñones Rivera

August 26, 11:00 a.m. - Are we racists?: Experiences, reflections and action to combat racism and discrimination

  • Are we racists? Such an obvious question bothers us and we are ready to answer with a resounding NO. The others are always the racists. In this talk we will discuss how to start dismantling the multiple aspects of the complex system of racism.
  • Presenter: Dr. Maritza Quiñones Rivera