Low Cost Housing Forum
Join a panel of experts for a forum addressing the critical shortage of low cost housing in Monterey County, Saturday, September 25, 9:30am-12pm at: Grantham Hall – Pacific Grove United Methodist Church, 915 Sunset Dr, Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Call 831-372-5875 for more information.
According to Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies, more than a quarter of residents in Monterey County are severely rent-burdened, spending more than 50% of their household income on rent. To combat the affordable housing crisis, by 2023, Monterey County has to add more than 7300 units to its housing stock.
The Low Cost Housing Forum will provide information on why low cost housing is an important issue for all Monterey County residents; identify the issues; and share specific actions that we can do to support the availability of quality low cost housing in our communities. A panel comprised of speakers representing different aspects of the housing crisis will share information, respond to questions, and engage in a dialogue on possible solutions.
Program hosted by The Social Justice Committee, Carmel – Monterey – Pacific Grove United Methodist Churches.