Featured Resources
- AtoZDatabases: Find people and businesses
- Voter’s Edge: What’s on your ballot?
Countries & Maps
- CIA World Factbook: Population, government, military, and economic information for nations recognized by the United States
- David Rumsey Map Collection: A treasure trove of historical maps
- Fact Sheets: The people, government, and economy of the world’s countries, from the U.S. Department of State
Encyclopedias, Dictionaries and Quotations
- Acronym Finder: What do abbreviations and acronyms stand for?
- Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations (10th ed., 1919): Provides older quotations with their sources
- Collins Dictionaries: One stop lookup that searches several online dictionaries or thesauri
- Over 100 encyclopedias and dictionaries
- Infoplease: Almanac, encyclopedia, dictionary, and thesaurus
Grammar and Writing
- Citation Styles: Links to MLA, APA, AMA, Chicago, and Turabian styles for citing sources
- Guide to Grammar and Writing
- Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Phone Numbers
- International White and Yellow Pages: Telephone directories worldwide
- Toll Free Directory: Find toll free numbers
- White Pages: from
Weather and Tides
- Air Quality Monterey Bay
- Allergy Forecast: From
- National Weather Service: San Francisco Bay Area/Monterey
- Sunrise and Sunset Times: Moonrise and moonset too, for U.S. cities and towns
- Tide and Current Predictor: U.S. and worldwide
- Weather Underground: Weather for cities around the world, current and historical
- World Climate Averages: Includes rainfall averages