News & Magazines
Popular Titles
- Monterey County Herald
- New York Times
- Carmel Newspapers, including the Carmel Pine Cone
- Carmel Magazine: 2006-present
- Consumer Reports: Online version
- Flipster: download popular magazines, like National Geographic or Rolling Stones
- Carmel Pine Cone: 1915-2006 (with some search tips) and 2007-present
- Monterey County Herald: Search articles from 2002-present
- Monterey County Weekly: Archived and searchable, 1998-present
- San Francisco Chronicle: 2017-present
- San Francisco Community Coverage: San Francisco Bay Area newspapers
- San Francisco Examiner: 2017-present
New York Times – Create an account with your personal email address, or “Log In” if you already have created an account. Get a code for 72-hour offsite access, and revisit our link when your code expires. (More details.)
Historical Newspapers
- California Digital Newspaper Collection: Selected newspapers, 1846-present (includes Californian 1846-48, King City Settler 1889-1890, King City Rustler 1901-1948, Salinas Daily Journal 1889-1899, Salinas Index Journal 1905-1942, Salinas Californian 1929-2001)
- Carmel Newspapers:
- Carmel Pine Cone: 1915-2006 and 2004-present
- Carmel Cymbal: 1926-1927, 1934-1942
- Carmel Spectator: 1948-1958
- Carmel Sun/The Californian: 1933-1937
- Carmelite: 1926-1932
- Pacific Weekly: 1935-1936
- Carmel Valley Outlook: 1962-1981
- Monterey County Herald: 2002-present
- Monterey County Weekly: covers 1989-present, full issues 2012-present
- Monterey Historical Newspapers: 1846-1964
- Monterey Peninsula College: El Yanqui college newspaper, 1948-1978
- Seaside Post News-Sentinel: 1970-1975
- Watsonville and Pajaro Area Historical Newspapers