Climate Change Science: What Do We Know and What Should I Do?
Community Night with the Library
Climate change science has revealed major changes in Earth’s environment that have occurred since the Industrial Revolution, and especially in the last 50 years. This science strongly indicates that human emissions of CO2 have been the main cause of these changes, and that continued emissions will lead to even greater changes. The impacts of these changes have included substantial disruptions of the environment and human lives. But there is uncertainty in the science of climate change, which contributes to uncertainty about how we as individuals and organizations should respond to on-going and future climate change. Dr. Murphree will present an overview of the science of climate change, with an emphasis on the major changes that have already occurred, the changes that are likely to occur within the lifetimes of our children and grandchildren, and what we don’t yet know about climate change. He will also discuss on-going and proposed responses to climate change, and how to go about selecting the optimal responses.
Tom Murphree is a professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, where he teaches and conducts research on Earth’s climate system. Tom also presents hands-on science workshops for K-12 students and teachers, the general public, and scientists who want to share their science with children.
Carpenter Hall at Sunset Center, 9th and Mission, Carmel. Questions? Call 831-624-2811.