Monterey County Fires – Resource List

2020 Wildfires Resource List

Stay up to date with the latest information on the River, Carmel and Dolan fires:

Going home after evacuating: Monterey County Virtual Local Assistance Center

Evacuation Centers and Shelters

Evacuees who have been concerned about evacuating to a shelter due to the COVID-19 pandemic, please be aware there are now options for non-congregate sheltering. Fire evacuees in need of housing must come to any of the Monterey County evacuation shelters of centers in order to get a referral to individual housing options such as hotels, motels or dormitory-type accommodations, which are available. There are some accommodations for those with disabilities or special needs. It is safe to come to a shelter or center for help. COVID-19 protocols are in place at all locations. Evacuees should have face coverings when entering the shelter and be prepared to social distance. Temperature checks will be taken for everyone’s safety.

We continue to get lots of questions about Red Cross hotel vouchers. The Red Cross confirms it no longer provides vouchers but there is housing assistance. Evacuation shelters will have information on what options and services are available to you.

EVACUATION SHELTERS provide sleeping and meal accommodations and are open 24 hours. . Evacuees must provide proof of residency in the fire evacuation zone, whether it is a current ID, bill statement, or vehicle registration. 

  • Carmel Middle School, 4380 Carmel Valley Rd, Carmel, CA 93923
  • Salinas Valley Fairgrounds, 625 Division Street, King City. This shelter allows pets and RVs.

EVACUATION CENTERS are open from 8am to 8pm to provide referrals to housing, RV parking at Laguna Seca, snacks, water and information about available services.

  •  Monterey Conference Center, 1 Portola Plaza in Monterey, near Pacific Avenue.
  • King City Library, 402 Broadway in King City

Animal Sheltering

  • The ONLY shelter that allows pets is the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds, 625 Division Street, King City.
  • Call the SPCA at 831-264-5455 to get information on where and how to evacuate your animal. There is no pet management at any evacuation shelter other than the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds.
  • Another option is to go to the Monterey County and Salinas combined shelters. These shelters, which are located at 144 Hitchcock Road in Salinas, are supporting evacuation efforts. They are accepting animals on a first come first serve basis and still have capacity.

RV parking and camping

  • The Salinas Valley Fairgrounds evacuation shelter allows RVs and is open 24 hours
  • Laguna Seca Raceway Recreation Area | Recreational Vehicles (RV) Parking | 1021 Monterey Salinas Hwy, Salinas, CA 93908 | Evacuees with recreational vehicles must check in at the Monterey Conference Center shelter for a voucher to stay at the recreation area. Evacuees must be able to provide proof of an address that is in the evacuation zones, whether it is current ID, a bill or statement. 

Wifi Access: Xfinity has opened their wifi hotspots to the general public for free. Get connected.

Local hotels on the Central Coast are offering discounted rates for fire evacuees who need a place to stay.

The Carmel Chamber and Visit Carmel created a list of Carmel area hotels offering the discount:

Ways you can receive emergency notifications and up-to-date information:

  •  This is a cellular and email based notification system. This requires registration so please log-in to this website and register your information.
  • 211: Call or text 211. Operators can provide updated fire and evacuation information. You can also text “fire” or “wildfire” to 211-211, add your zip code and receive links to current information.
  • Reverse 911: This is a dispatch aided system where we can call all landline phones in a geographical area to provide emergency information. You don’t need to do anything to get this service. If you have a home phone you will get a call.
  • Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA):  This is an alert message system sent via all cellular phones in a geographical area area.  This would be facilitated through the County and requested if needed.  Regardless of if you have  
  • Nixle: Receive alert text messages from local agencies including fire information that may impact you. Text your zip code (where you live or work) to 888777 to opt into Nixle.
  • Nextdoor: The City will post information on Nextdoor to relay important information and keep the community updated.
  • Siren at the Carmel Fire Station: Tested in January 2019, this siren covered a large portion of our City. If you hear this siren, there is an emergency situation in the City and you should look for information from one of the sources listed above.
  • Carmel Police Officers & PA systems.  Our patrol vehicles are equipped with speakers. Should we have an emergency situation, you will hear sirens and our voices over those speakers directing residents.  

If Carmel has a fire or emergency requiring an evacuation, the City will use the sources above to relay messages to the community.  Those messages will include:

  • What the emergency is,  
  • What areas are impacted,
  • What you need to do,
  • Which direction you should head,
  • Where you can go for assistance including shelters.  

Throughout the emergency, we would continue to provide updated information to help keep you  informed so you can make potentially life saving decisions.