We’re fine free!
Why isn’t the Library collecting overdue fines?
Our goal is to make sure you can enjoy all the books and services
the library has to
offer. Overdue fines can prevent some patrons from checking out
books and other
materials from the library. The library wants to unblock accounts
and encourage you to
bring items back.
How does the new fine-free policy work?
You are still responsible for returning items on time as a
courtesy to other patrons.
You can check out items for 3 weeks at a time, and you can renew
items up to two times.
Certain items can’t be renewed, such as items with
holds on them.
To help you return materials on time, the Library will send
email notices out checked-out materials, including upcoming
due dates, overdue notifications, and bills for never-returned
After 35 days overdue, your ability to borrow physical
materials (books, DVDs, audiobooks, playaways) will be suspended.
In addition, overdue item(s) will be considered lost and
you will be billed the replacement cost.
If the item(s) are returned undamaged, all replacement fees will
be removed from your account and your borrowing privileges will
be reinstated. If the item is not returned or is returned
damaged, you will be responsible for the cost for the item.
Charges for never-returned or damaged items are calculated at
list price.
This policy does not apply to fees for library services and products such as copying, printing, or replacement costs for lost or damaged materials.