Cognitive Reserve: Maintaining Cognitive Function into Late Adulthood
Community Night with the Library
Dr. Kennedy will describe research that indicates how “cognitive reserve” can help stave off age-related declines in cognitive function and onset of dementia symptoms. She will cover everyday activities that can help build up cognitive reserve and free resources for additional information on cognitive aging.
Dr. Quinn Kennedy earned a PhD in Psychology and completed postdoctoral training in Cognitive Aging, both at Stanford University. She has over 20 years of research experience in investigating factors that affect older adults’ decision making and performance. Her work has been published in scientific publications including Psychological Science, Psychology of Aging, and Journals of Gerontology. With her collaborators, her work has been featured on Channel 2 news, NPR, The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and Science.
Carpenter Hall at Sunset Center, 9th and Mission, Carmel. Questions? Call 831-624-2811.