Carmel Pine Cone: Carmel’s Weekly newspaper (full-run)

Post Magazines/News

The Carmel Pine Cone


 Historical issues (1915-2006) are available on Internet Archive,  and current issues (2007-present) are available on the Carmel Pine Cone website.

To search the historical issues:

  1. Go to Internet Archive at

  2. Enter your search term, select “text contents” and hit enter. To search a phrase, put your search terms in quotation marks. Carmel Pine Cone collection on Internet Archive, with arrows pointing to search box and "text contents" option.

  3. Enjoy your results!  Pine Cone search results for "Jo Mora," with 332 results

  4. Optional – If you need to do another search: enter your search term, make sure “Search text contents” is selected and click “Go.” Internet Archive defaults to searching the entire database, so you may get too many results back. Search results for "Edward Weston" from all of Internet Archive, with 9124 results

  5. If you only want results from the Pine Cone, scroll down to “Collection” and click on “Harrison Memorial Library.” Detail of search results page with arrow pointing to "Harrison Memorial Library" option under "Collection" filter

  6. Enjoy your results from the Pine Cone! Pine Cone search results for "Edward Weston" with 909 results"