Bridge to Everywhere (trail system)


We have a remarkable opportunity to enhance our community’s quality of life by establishing a seamless trail network connecting Carmel-By-The-Sea to the State Park and Regional Parklands south of the Carmel River. The proposed project includes the creation of a community walking trail and a pedestrian bridge across the Carmel River that will link various disjointed trails and parks.

This new trail promises to significantly improve opportunities for walking, hiking, and experiencing the breathtaking natural beauty of the Carmel Area. Each unique connection along this trail adds to its allure, earning it the name, ‘Bridge to Everywhere.’

Importantly, this initiative doesn’t require any additional land purchase, as all the connectivity points are within public ownership. Furthermore, the existing parking facilities at these geographic connection points allow users to choose their preferred access to the new trail system.  It will also enhance safety for the children and parents who walk to the River School and any pedestrian attempting to cross Rio Road near the Mission.