It’s Food Barrel Time!
Both branches of the library have Food Barrels out, for the Food Bank of Monterey County. Please bring in your canned or boxed food to donate! Barrels will be out through January 5.
These food items are especially needed:
- Canned meats or fish
- Chili
- Soups or stews
- Fruits or vegetables
- Juices
- Peanut butter
- Boxed macaroni and cheese
- Dry cereal or oatmeal
- Rice and pasta
No items in glass containers and no outdated food please.
This year we are also collecting for Basic Needs for Homeless Youths. They are looking for the following items:
- Travel Sized toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner
- Combs and brushes
- Toothbrushes
- Deodorant
- Razors
- Dental Floss
- Hand Sanitizer
- Tampons & pads
- Nail Clippers
- African American hair-care products
- New Socks – all sizes
- Gloves, hats, scarves
- Disposable hand warmers
- Hooded sweatshirts (L to XXXL, dark colors)
- Warm coats
- New underwear/boxers
- Bras – all sizes
Other necessities:
- Sleeping bags
- Backpacks
- Batteries – AA, AAA
- Battery operated alarm clocks
- Blankets
- Travel-sized sewing kits
- Flashlights
- Journals
- Work boots
- Bus tickets
- Headphones
- Dry dog and cat food
- Hot Cocoa
- Instant Oatmeal
- Powder Creamer